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En esta pĆ”gina estĆ”n nuestras Rutas Freeware disponibles. Hay mapas para Trainz Simulator 12 y Trainz Railroad Simulator 2019. 


Ruta ficticia de 10 millas Basada en el paisaje atractivo, los monumentos histĆ³ricos y la vida cotidiana del sur de Georgia en las divisiones Norfolk Southern y CSXT.

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Ā”Este es el mĆ³dulo para la estrella mĆ”s famosa del estado de Georgia! Elija su lugar para practicar Railfanning en Austell, Georgia Ā”y disfrute de la acciĆ³n! Ā”AHORA INCLUYE LA VERSIƓN TRAINZ 2019!


A Small one baseboard detailed loop route for train spectating. 


This is the module for the most famous wye in the state of Georgia! Pick your railfanning spot in Austell, Georgia and enjoy the action!

Welcome to the READING & NORTHERN regional railroad. The route represents roughly 65 miles of this diverse and dynamic real-life railroad. The route runs through much of the remaining areas of Anthracite coal mining activity in eastern Pennsylvania.  The route is completely prototypical and highly accurate and has been modeled down to the finest detail. Data was collected from real employees and experts to ensure this is one of the most accurate recreations of a real railroad ever to be released for Trainz. Experience wilderness and wildlife, adventure and surprises as you wind your train through the mountains and farmlands and towns of eastern Pennsylvania and the Appalachian mountains.

Ā©2020 Flamerailzzz Trainz.

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